“Your First Home” loan

If you do not have your very own house yet or you do own a house, but its net area is less than 50sqm, with the loan – Your First Home, you can benefit now from the most advantageous crediting conditions

  • You can obtain an advantageous credit; thus, your monthly payment obligations would not be a burden that could affect your joy of finding the house you always dreamt of
  • You can bring your contribution in funding the house with only 5% of its value, thus your savings would not be affected if you put a higher advance payment
  • New houses, built for sale OR refurbished houses, including those building under the programs of the National Housing Agency (ANL), for which the acceptance documents at the completion of new construction works/ OR consolidation works and/or works to reduce the seismic risk were signed within no more than 5 years before the date of the guaranteed credit application – state contribution percent: 50%;
  • lHousing units accepted at the completion of new construction works/ OR consolidation works and/or works to reduce the seismic risk were signed within no more than 5 years before the date of the guaranteed credit application, built for sale, including those building under the programs of the National Housing Agency (ANL), which do not meet the criteria to be classified under categories in the section above – state contribution percent: 40%